BIPOC Networking Panel
One of our events in celebration of Black History Month is our BIPOC Networking Panel, featuring leading BIPOC professionals from diverse industries.
Published: February 14, 2023As part of Black History Month, we’re bringing together professionals from diverse industries in our BIPOC Networking Panel to share their stories.
It’s important for BIPOC students to see professionals who look like them, or who come from backgrounds similar to theirs. By listening to the stories of these diverse and successful leaders, students can see that there is always a pathway to success – no matter who you are or where you come from.
We can always learn from those who came before us. They can teach us about what has worked for them and what hasn’t, how to move forward in the face of discrimination, how to grow in your own group or community despite barriers, and the importance of good allyship from the community at large.
Join us with featured guests Clarecia Christie, Keshana King, Wanqing Zhang, Diane Watson, and Eric Agyemang to learn about the importance of networking and professional relationship-building.
Clarecia Christie
Clarecia Christie is a Certified International Trade Professional (CITP®) and former political staffer in the Ontario Legislature, with a passion for people, photography, cultural knowledge and women empowerment, promoting international business in the Caribbean, Latin America, Asia and Africa.
Keshana King
Keshana King is a graduate from Algonquin College’s Business Management and Entrepreneurship Program (2019) and an Alumni of Distinction (2022). She is passionate about entrepreneurship, leadership and diplomacy as ways to affect change. In 2021, Keshana became a Fellow at DYLOTT’s Black Diplomats Academy. She went on to attend the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development as a Canadian delegate in 2022.
Wanqing Zhang
As Educational Developer for Intercultural Learning, Wanqing has successfully developed and led iterations of the Intercultural Teaching Institute and the Intercultural Teaching and Learning training for face-to-face and online deliveries. She is available to discuss concerns and ideas related to intercultural education.
Diane Watson
Diane has several years of cross-functional experience in the hi-tech industry. She is currently a Program Manager at Nokia Canada working in the Cloud and Network Services Business Group. She is also passionate about giving back to the community, and over the years, she has volunteered her expertise and time to several professional community projects, programs and organizations.
Eric Agyemang
Eric Agyemang is an award-winning international trade professional with an extensive background in leading purposeful partnerships, and social impact driven initiatives. He works for Export Development Canada (EDC) as a Strategic Alliances Manager, where he leads EDC’s strategy with Canada’s leading national innovation hubs and startup networks.