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The Algonquin Commons Theatre (ACT) is 100% wheelchair accessible. Wheelchair accessible seating is available to purchase online, and at the Algonquin Commons Theatre Box Office. When purchasing tickets online on www.ticketmaster.ca, please click Filters and then the “Show accessible tickets” toggle for seat availability or more information. Remember to click Apply Filters to show accessible tickets on the map.
Hearing Assistance Systems are free of charge, and can be reserved in advance through the ACT Box Office. Aside from reservation, Hearing Assistance Systems are available on a first-come first-served basis. A major credit card is required as a security deposit when signing out the device.
Our Box Office is equipped with a hearing loop. Hearing loops are an assistive listening technology installed in millions of locations throughout the world, providing the accessibility many need to engage and communicate freely. Persons requiring hearing assistance while at the Box Office may turn their hearing device to “T” mode. This allows the hearing device to only pickup sounds from the Box Office, eliminating background noise.
With the exception of service animals, such as guide dogs, the ACT does not allow animals inside the theatre. A service animal is any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal individually trained to provide assistance to an individual. Please contact the ACT Box Office ahead of the event to ensure you get appropriate seating when purchasing tickets.
While the ACT does not provide a walkers/strollers check, we will always try to make accommodations for patrons with stroller/walkers. Please ask any of the theatre ushers for assistance. Please note that the ACT is not responsible for any damaged, lost or stolen strollers/walkers as well as other items within the stroller/walker.
Each floor of the Student Commons (E Building) has a family washroom. On the 1st floor, the washroom is located beside Starbucks. On the 2nd floor, it is across the hall from the SA Clubs & Communities Room (E209). On the 3rd floor, the washroom is beside the Welcome Centre (E341).
Each floor of the Student Commons (E Building) has a unisex washroom. On the 1st floor, the washroom is located beside Starbucks. On the 2nd floor, it is across the hall from the SA Clubs & Communities Room (E209). On the 3rd floor, the washroom is beside the Welcome Centre (E341).
There may be the use of strobe lights during an event. Please contact the Box Office if you have any questions or concerns.
Children’s booster seats are available for use by patrons. Booster seats can be reserved through the ACT Box Office. Aside from reservation, booster seats are available on a first-come first-served basis. Following any performance, booster seats may be left in the theatre auditorium for collection by ACT Front-of-House staff.
If you have a temporary disability/injury and you have already purchased tickets to an event, please contact the ACT Box Office and, if possible, we will make the necessary arrangements for you to attend the event in a comfortable and enjoyable manner.