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We ask guests of the Algonquin Commons Theatre (ACT) to please be mindful and considerate of other patrons. Individuals who do not follow the ACT policies will be asked to leave the Theatre immediately. The ACT reserves the right to deny any patron entrance or re-admittance if it is felt that there is a risk of disturbance or disruption to other patrons, or to the ACT staff.
The ACT is a 700-seat theatre (177 Floor Level / 303 Main Level / 220 Balcony Level). When the floor seats are removed, the seating capacity increases to 835.
For many events, the Theatre lobby will open one hour prior to show time and the Theatre house will open 30 minutes prior to the event start. We encourage you to check our events calendar for specific event details.
The Algonquin Commons Theatre permits patrons to stand at their assigned seat during concerts where standing would be admissible unless otherwise informed by an Algonquin Commons Theatre staff. Standing on seats or any other structure is not permitted and may result in injury or ejection from the Theatre. For safety and as a courtesy to other ticket holders, patrons are prohibited from sitting and/or standing in aisles. Due to fire regulations, aisles should be kept clear at all times.
Patrons are not permitted to switch seats during any event where seating is assigned, unless they are given permission by Algonquin Commons Theatre staff.
Patrons are not permitted to lean against or rest their feet on the theatre seats.
For your comfort and the comfort of those around you, the Algonquin Commons Theatre provides a seasonal coat check service for most performances. Some events have a mandatory coat check. Large bags (such as backpacks, large purses, school and gym bags) are not permitted in the Theatre at all times. Please make the necessary arrangements prior to your arrival at the venue.
Coat Check opens one hour prior to an event and closes a half-hour after the event. Patrons are solely responsible for picking up all personal belongings from Coat Check at the end of a show/event. The ACT is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Suggested donations of $2.00, $5.00 or $10.00 will be accepted and will go toward the SA Food Cupboard which serves the students at Algonquin College. Cash, credit cards, and debit cards are accepted.
Please note that there is no coat check available from April 1st to November 30th.
Many events at the ACT will have merchandise for sale. All merchandise sales are cash only. ATM’s are located throughout the Robert C. Gillett Student Commons (Building E) for your convenience.