Use this form if you’re an SA staff member. Venue(s) Requested* Algonquin Commons Theatre (E100) Theatre Lobby Main Commons Seating Area Banquette Corner Lounge (E133) 2nd Floor Lounge Multi-Purpose Rooms (E206A&B) Observatory (A1402) Sports Field (Z Building) Silent Study (A1825) Study Room Outdoor Event Plaza Wolves Den (X130) Event Coordinator Contact InformationFull Name* First Last Email* SA Budget Name(s) and Code(s)*Are you the Point of Contact on the Day of Show?* Yes No Point of Contact Name*Point of Contact Email* Point of Contact Phone*Event InformationEvent Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Event Name*Brief description of event*Is this a partnered event?* Yes No How many partners are involved in this event?*OneTwoThreeFirst Partner Contact InformationName of partnering organization/business*Please provide a breakdown of the costs they will cover.*e.g. venue room rate, technical equipment, staffing, etc.Partner Contact Name*Partner Contact Email* Partner Contact Phone*Second Partner Contact InformationName of second partnering organization/business*Please provide a breakdown of the costs they will cover.*e.g. venue room rate, technical equipment, staffing, etc.Second Partner Contact Name*Second Partner Contact Email* Second Partner Contact Phone*Third Partner Contact InformationName of third partnering organization/business*Please provide a breakdown of the costs they will cover.*e.g. venue room rate, technical equipment, staffing, etc.Third Partner Contact Name*Third Partner Contact Email* Third Partner Contact Phone*Event Schedule BreakdownPlease include any scheduled breaks where applicable.Access Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Event Start Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Additional Event Schedule DetailsEvent End Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Exit Time* : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Event LogisticsExpected Attendance*Is the event ticketed?* Yes No Is the event free or paid?* Free Event Paid Event What are your Floor Level requirements?* Seated Standing Technical Requirements*e.g. projector/screen, PA System, music playback etc.Layout Requirements*e.g. A/V setup, cocktail style, theatre style, classroom style etc.Do you require alcohol service and/or catering services?* Catering services only Catering and alcohol services No services Not sure Do you require alcohol service and/or catering services (ACT)?* Catering services only Catering and alcohol services Alcohol services No services Not sure Please specify your alcohol service and catering service requirements.*Please specify your alcohol service requirements.*Please specify your catering service requirements.*What are your preliminary thoughts and ideas for including alcohol and/or catering services at the event?*Do you plan to invite any vendors to sell products at the event?* Yes No Not Sure Please list the names of the vendors here, and the products they plan to sell.*What are your preliminary thoughts and ideas for including vendors at the event?*Do you plan to hire any external contractors for the event?* Yes No Not sure What are your preliminary thoughts and ideas for including an external contractor at the event?*Please list the external contractor(s) here, along with a brief description of what work they’ll be doing.*Please list any additional information or comments pertaining to the event here.CAPTCHA Δ