$15 + Tax / Lift

Event Type:

Open To:
ARC Members

This event is brought to you by Inner Strength Products, and your Students' Association.

Join us in the ARC for our in-house 1 REP MAX Competition on Friday, March 7! You’ll have 3 attempts at a 1 rep max Bench Press, Squat and Deadlift in a friendly competition to show off your strength and progress.

  • Squat: 11AM – 1PM
  • Bench Press: 1PM – 3PM
  • Deadlift: 3PM – 5PM
  • Registration Deadline: Thursday, March 5, 2025, at 12PM
  • Registration Fee: $15/per lift or $40 for all three categories

Review the Rules and Regulations. The winner will be determined based on a lift-to-weight ratio in Male and Female Classes. Top three participants in each category will receive a prize!

Please note: You must be a current Algonquin College Student or Active ARC Member to participate

*Competition time is subject to change based on the number of participants.

More About This Event

Squat Competition Rules:

  • You will have three attempts at a one-rep maximum. The winner is calculated by body weight to lift weight ratio.
  • Your second and third attempts must be equal to or greater than your previous attempt.
  • Your squat depth must be below parallel.
  • Knees must be locked at both the beginning and end of the movement.
  • You cannot step forward, backward, or to the side while squatting.
  • You cannot touch your elbows and arms with your legs to support the movement.
  • You cannot double bounce at the bottom or have any downward movement of the bar.
  • Your body weight can be submitted as an estimate. Everyone will be weighed in on competition day.
  • Swearing or arguing with the ref or other competitors will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification.

Bench Press Competition Rules:

  • You will have three attempts at a one-rep maximum. The winner is calculated by body weight to lift weight ratio.
  • Your second and third attempts must be equal to or greater than your previous attempt.
  • Following Cues of Start, Press, Rack
  • Your feet must be flat on the ground throughout the entire lift.
  • Your arms must be locked out at the beginning and end of the lift.
  • Your head, shoulders and posterior must touch the bench at all times.
  • The barbell must touch your chest in a controlled manner (bouncing off the chest is not permitted).
  • The barbell may not be lowered during the upward phase of the movement.
  • Your body weight can be submitted as an estimate. Everyone will be weighed in on competition day.
  • Swearing or arguing with the ref or other competitors will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification.

Deadlift Competition Rules:

  • You will have three attempts at a one-rep maximum. The winner is calculated by body weight to lift weight ratio.
  • Your second and third attempts must be equal to or greater than your previous attempt.
  • The barbell may not be lowered during the upward phase of the movement.
  • You must stand erect with your shoulders, back, and knees locked at the completion of the lift.
  • You must return the bar to the floor while maintaining control with both hands.
  • Your body weight can be submitted as an estimate. Everyone will be weighed in on competition day.
  • Swearing or arguing with the ref or other competitors will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification.

Approved Equipment: 

  • Wrist Wraps
  • Chalk
  • Knee Sleeves
  • Squat Pad
  • Weightlifting Belt
  • Shoes Required

Disclaimer for online submissions:

Please be advised that these movements, as with all, require proper technique. To avoid injury, we suggest you have prior knowledge and/or experience with this movement. If you are new to these movements and would still like to attempt them, we advise you to seek assistance from a fitness professional. Attempt this competition at your own risk.

Additional Information


We are committed to providing accessibility for all. Please contact the Students' Association by phone at (613) 727-4723 x7711 or via email at for more information.


Paid parking is in effect at all times. Red Parking Lot 8 is the closest possible lot to our venue. Parking is a $6.00 flat rate on weekends and after 5:00pm on weekdays in Lots 8, 9, 10 and 12. See Algonquin College Parking Services for the parking map.


Algonquin College is a non-smoking campus. See the Algonquin College Smoke-Free Campus Policy for more details.