Algonquin Students’ Association Board of Directors Release Annual Priorities - Algonquin Students' Association

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Algonquin Students’ Association Board of Directors Release Annual Priorities

Find out what your board is working on this year.

Published: September 19, 2022

The Algonquin Students’ Association Board of Directors spent the summer months connecting with students in Ottawa, Pembroke, and Perth, learning from students about what is impacting their success.

From these conversations, the Board creates a list of goals for their term in office. These goals become priorities that will guide their work throughout their term.

This academic year, the SA Board of Directors will:

  1. Increase support for international students.
  2. Increase quality housing options in Pembroke and Perth.
  3. Enhance the knowledge of mental health services to students.
  4. Improve the academic calendar from the students’ perspective.
  5. Reinvigorate student life.
  6. Expand the mandate and effectiveness of the Class Representative System.
  7. Extend the benefits of the U-Pass.

Bolu Olutunda, SA President, says, “International students enrich our campus community and the entire student experience in so many ways. Still, there are needs specific to international students demanding our attention and action.

International students experience education, campus services, and the world around them differently than their domestic peers. How we move forward with our international student body is crucial for the success of students and Algonquin College.”

The Board works closely with the Algonquin College Executive Team and continues to connect with students often to fulfil their priorities. A complete list of the Board’s priorities, including sub-points, can be found on our website.

Student feedback is essential – you can send feedback directly to your Board of Directors at any time through our “contact us” form.

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