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Fall 2021 Varsity Update

July 7, 2021

Men’s and Women’s Rugby and Soccer suspended for the fall 2021 term.

SA President Emily Ferguson and Wellness and Equity Centre Coordinator Quinn Blue smile for the camera.

President’s Column: June 2021

June 22, 2021

Celebrating Pride Month and Indigenous History Month with the Wellness and Equity Centre.

Our Website is Changing is written above a laptop with the current website peeling off

Our Website is Changing!

May 20, 2021

Our website will be offline from 5:00pm on Friday, June 11 to 5:00pm on Sunday, June 13.

Athletics and Recreation Centre Name Announced

Athletics and Recreation Centre Named After SA General Manager and CEO

March 31, 2021

The Jack Doyle Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC) will open on Algonquin College’s Ottawa campus in the Fall of 2021.

Emily Ferguson and Ellen Cotter are the President and Vice-President for 2021-2022

Directors-Elect Announce the 2021-2022 SA President and Vice-President

March 30, 2021

Congratulations to Emily Ferguson and Ellen Cotter, our SA President and Vice-President for 2021-2022!

Save the Date! Wednesday March 31, 2021 for the Athletics and Recreation Centre naming announcement

Athletics and Recreation Centre Naming Announcement

March 10, 2021

Save the date! The ARC’s name will be announced on Wednesday, March 31 at 10:30am.

SA President’s Column: December

December 15, 2020

In October, we shared an opinion survey with students at Ottawa, Pembroke, and Perth about the new Algonquin Wolves logo concepts.

Faculty Recognition Awards

November 30, 2020

Each year, students nominate professors who have gone above and beyond in the classroom.

Thunder Varsity 2020-2021

October 15, 2020

Special announcement for the 2021-2022 varsity season.

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